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4   Content in CLIL 

​     CLILにおける内容

Content learning is key​ for most English language teachers who are interested in CLIL pedagogy. ​On the other hand, for subject teachers, teaching subject content is the main teaching point, compared to teaching English. However, most teachers including me tend to think CLIL is integrated learning, so they don't think both are different, but are combined and integrated to each other. The fact is, content can be related to all learning areas such as knowledge and language. Content is of course closely related to knowledge as well, which often refers to knowing and memorizing something. There are some types of knowledge: e.g. explicit knowledge, implicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, procedural knowledge, declarative knowledge, a posteriori knowledge, and a priori knowledge.​ Also, language is knowledge. It means content and language are based on knowledge. Even CLIL teachers should not forget about learning and teaching knowledge, and always need to consider content as well. In other words, you couldn't say it is CLIL without thinking about learning content as well as language.



Content learning is therefore closely related to knowledge. Have you often heard the term, ‘a knowledge-based society’ so far? But I wonder how many people know the meaning of ‘knowledge’ in the current complicated society. Simply speaking, knowledge is, according to online Cambridge Dictionary, ‘the state of knowing about or being familiar with something.’ Or it can also be referred to as the understanding of facts, information, skills, and behaviors at school or work. However, it has been discussed for long in philosophy and nobody cannot realize it clearly. Knowledge is an intangible asset with which you could learn content and languages as well as think and discuss what you learn with others.


In IB (International Baccalaureate®) Diploma Programme, theory of knowledge (TOK) is one of the core components, in which ‘students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know.’ In CLIL pedagogy, learners should think about what knowledge is and discuss it with others while learning a target learning language; that is, English in the Japanese context. However, in many cases, it would be hard for many Japanese students to discuss in English, so they use Japanese as well. CLIL learners learn content and languages together by focusing on some learning content. It is important to identify several types of knowledge above mentioned. For example, explicit knowledge can be referred to fact or information that you can record and share with others. 


Explicit knowledge can function as resources for others as well. You can clearly record and share it in different formats such as books, videos, blogs, and social media. Implicit knowledge includes the knowledge, understanding, skills, and views that you possess but may not necessarily be aware of. You have acquired it spontaneously through experiencing, observing, interacting, and practicing it in some contexts. Tacit knowledge is slightly different from implicit knowledge which you can share with others. Tacit knowledge is knowledge you can acquire through your own life experience. It is often difficult to share with others. Declarative knowledge is knowledge of fact or information stored in your memory such as verbal or factual knowledge. A priori knowledge is knowledge that you can gain independently of experience such as knowledge through reasoning or logic. On the other hand, a posteriori knowledge is dependent on empirical experience or observation of the world around you. All these types of knowledge are related to content and language knowledge.


CLIL is not just a simple concept of integrated learning of content and language, but it can also have the potential to take more diverse and flexible development into a European style of CLIL pedagogy. In Japan, for example, CLIL is after all a new type of English language learning, which may be different from CBI, EMI, or language immersion program. It means content is a very important factor for CLIL in Japan. Content in English language learning can include English language itself, its background such as school subjects, daily topics, knowledge, thinking, intercultural awareness, and other languages through English and Japanese. It’s not a ‘Soft’ CLIL or ‘Hard’ CLIL, but a different aspect of CLIL considering content based on learners’ needs.


CLIL Trends /CLIL 動向

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