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5   Language in CLIL 


In Japan CLIL apparently belongs to a diversity of language learning in which content is learned as well. That's just it, but it can have something attractive to researchers as well as learners and teachers. Though there are many kinds of research papers on CLIL methodology and pedagogy, such as CLIL classroom practices, CLIL effectivity, CLIL vs. non-CLIL, CLIL implementation, CLIL classroom discourse, CLIL materials development, and CLIL teacher education for the past 20 years, most of them seem to have focused on language education matters, to my understanding. In many cases, CLIL has not primarily discussed content learning such as how to teach subject matter and knowledge. Language learning in CLIL has been of primary concern since it started in some European countries. However, it is somewhat different from traditional language immersion programs or EMI (English Medium Instruction) in non-English speaking countries.



In CLIL pedagogy, content knowledge is closely related to or based on language learning. In other words, content learning is essential in language learning while language is a tool for learning languages and content knowledge. Language knowledge and skills are infrastructure for building further knowledge and skills. For example, when you solve a multiplication problem of 2 x 4, you can easily understand the product.  2 x 4 = 8. The formula is a universal language, so we all understand it. However, each language tells it differently. In English, we say it in several ways:

Two times four is eight.

Two multiplied by four equals eight.

Two groups of four equals eight.

Two fours are eight.

​CLIL教育において、内容知識が、言語学習と密接に関連し、基礎となるでしょう。言い方を換えれば、内容の学習は言語学習にとって欠かせないし、言語は言語学習や内容知識を学習するための道具となっています。言語知識と技能は、さらなる知識や技能を身につけるためのインフラです。たとえば、2 x 4 という算数の問題を解いて、積を求めるのは容易でしょう。2 x 4 = 8となります。その式は共通した算数の言語ですから、みんなわかります。しかし、それぞれの言語は違ったように言います。英語では次のようにいくつかの違った言い方をします。


As such, there are some different ways in Japanese. In any case, the content of 2 x 4 = 8 is fundamental as content you share. In Japanese, you say, '2かける4は8.' You can guess 'かける' means 'times,' 'multiplied by,' or 'groups of' in English, and manage to communicate maths topics with each other.

同様に日本語でも違う言い方をします。とにかく2 x 4 = 8は共有する内容として基本となります。日本語では「2かける4は8」と言います。「かける」は'times,' 'multiplied by,' or 'groups of' と英語で言うのだろうと推測できるし、お互いに数学の話題はなんとかできるでしょう。


In CLIL, these surrounding contexts around you can help learn English use in maths topics. Each language has a complex system which human beings have as innate property. Of course, learners are unlikely to learn by themselves and need appropriate scaffoldings such as vocabulary learning, grammar learning, and pronunciation learning. It is naturally essential to understand these language forms through any learning contexts. CLIL approaches cannot just make good use of content knowledge to learn a language, but learn content matter through listening, reading, speaking, and writing as well. These learning activities require integrated learning approaches, which can be complex, diverse, and inclusive.



Languages and content are closely interrelated with one another. The fact is, both can include almost all our activities: for example, daily life, learning at school, business, and pastime. We are all languages learners and users and need to have necessary knowledge and skills through them. Languages in CLIL are not just the target language (English) but also other languages including learners’ mother tongues (Japanese). For example, when you learn music in CLIL, you will learn English and some other languages related to music as well as Japanese. It is very natural to learn languages related to content in many cases.



“Every teacher is a language teacher,” or “Every learner is a language learner.” I am sure you all agree with it. CLIL is initially a very flexible learning and teaching concept to include many educational factors based on the 4Cs framework comprising content, cognition, communication, and culture. It may be, broadly speaking, part of bilingual education in which students learn some knowledge and skill together. Language learning therefore is essential in CLIL. What is most important is how to learn a language or languages after all.



CLIL Trends /CLIL 動向

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