CLIL Trends /CLIL 動向

Tweeting about CLIL trends
This blog is provided by Shigeru Sasajima, who is a chair of CLIL Institute for Teacher Education (CLIL-ite) in Japan, regularly tweets about CLIL Trends and the CLIL-ite activities at ease.
CLIL is to simply learn content (e.g. subjects, themes, and topics) and language(s)(e.g. English and Japanese) integratedly
Tweeting さえずり1
CLIL is an acronym of Content and Language Integrated Learning that genericizes the learning which started in Europe in 1990s. Since then it has expanded into primary and secondary education together with bilingual education, and is now being a mainstream of language education.
CLILは、Content and Language Integrated Learningの略語で、1990年代からヨーロッパで始まった学習のことを総称した用語で、初等中等教育で広がり、バイリンガル教育の普及とともに、現在、言語教育の主流となりつつあります。
CLIL research has been popular and developed a methodology with a variety of educational or language teaching theories, which just started as integrated learning of content and language. However, it may be likely to be a conventional learning that can hinder diversity and flexibility which are considered to be characteristic of CLIL.
CLIL has some principles that are often referred to:
The 4Cs framework Language triptych
Bloom's taxonomy Cummins' matrix
They are all useful for CLIL teaching, but it is not always necessary for you to employ them when teaching CLIL in the classroom. Each of them is just a guideline for better CLIL pedagogy. CLIL is nothing more than integratedly learning content and language(s).
The 4Cs framework Language triptych
Bloom's taxonomy Cummins' matrix
From that viewpoint, CLIL-ite (CLIL Institute for Teacher Education) does not intend to teach how to teach ready-made routines of CLIL pedagogies. Of course, the CLIL practitioners who are committed to this small institution have a different view of CLIL, so they may recommend some specific CLIL methods. It is fine with us. We do not reject it, and respect each other.
I believe CLIL should be flexible and diverse and have established CLIL-ite. CLIL is a principle for learning and teaching. That is, CLIL is a type of 'learning content (e.g. subjects, themes, and topics) and language(s)(e.g. English and Japanese) integratedly.'
I would like to introduce this principle to the education of Japan, which can be somewhat closed to the global society and make thriving development of children's English learning or learning something. Furthermore, I hope to find better ways of education which respects plurilingualism, pluriculturalism, diversity, and learner autonomy for each child.
この理念を、日本の少し閉塞的な言語学習あるいは学習に取り入れることで、子供たちの英語学習や英語とかかわった学習を発展的に開発したい。ひいては、日本語だけを基盤とした学習のあり方、英語に偏る外国語学習のあり方などを、多言語(plurilingualism)、多文化(pluriculturalism) へ、子供たち一人ひとりの多様性と自律学習(learner autonomy)を尊重する教育のあり方を模索したいと考えています。