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1 Dialogic and dialectic discussion in CLIL classrooms


The other day, I had a CLIL seminar at Ishikawa College, the National Institute of Technology. I talked about CLIL and CLT, which are the fundamental knowledge for CLIL implementation, and then introduced two CLIL textbooks I had compiled. Also we discussed CLIL teaching based on the teachers' CLIL classroom practices on the SDGs at the college. It was really a good practical discussion in person with a small group, which can share authentic, familiar, and closely-related topics and problems with each other. I believe these dialogic and dialectic sessions would be very important to find a good solution for better learning and teaching. 



Dialogic and dialectic discussion is important  in any classroom activities, but it seemed difficult in many cases. Especially, we, non-English speakers could not always discuss well in English. Dialogic comes from dialogue, which means a conversational interaction or flow of meaning between two or more people. On the other hand, dialectic discussion can be a meaningful interaction among people who have some specific purposes. It is similar to debate. In ancient time, Socrates and Plato developed the Socratic dialectic method, which is called '弁証法' in Japanese.  This method assesses belief through asking questions. Any dialectic discussion begins by asking a question about each other's beliefs or stating some commonly held beliefs and then asking  questions about beliefs. These activities can help develop argument skills. In Western countries, they are often identified in classroom activities. However, many Japanese students have not experienced such dialectic discussion activities. I believe these dialogic and dialectic discussions are more needed in some subject classrooms, and especially in English classrooms. CLIL can be one of the solutions to have such dialogic and dialectic thinking processes.

Dialogicや dialecticな議論は授業活動において重要ですが、多くの場合それをするのはむずかしいようです。特に英語母語話者ではない人同士は英語でうまく議論することはできません。Dialogicはdialogue(対話)から派生し、その意味は、人との会話のやりとりや意味の連続した議論のことです。他方、dialecticな議論は、明確な目的を持つ人同士では意味のあるやりとりとなります。Debateに似ています。昔、ソクラテスとプラトンは「ソクラテスの弁証法」を生み出しました。それがいわゆる弁証法と呼ばれています。問答をすることで考えを検証します。どのdialecticな議論も互いの考えを質問すること、あるいは、ある程度共有している考えを述べて質問し合うということから始まります。このような活動は議論する(argument)技能を身につけさせてくれます。欧米ではこのような議論がよく行われていますが、多くの日本の生徒はそのようなdialecticな議論の活動をしていません。このようなdialogicや dialecticな議論はいくつかの科目の授業でも、さらには英語の授業でも必要だと、私は考えます。CLILはそのような議論の思考のプロセスを身につける解決となります。

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