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2 CLIL activities and translanguaging pedagogies

​     CLIL活動とトランスランゲージング指導

Translanguaging is referred to ‘the complex and fluid language practices of bilinguals, as well as the pedagogical approaches that leverage those practices’ (Garcia & Lin, 2016, p. 2), and ‘one of the pedagogical practices that have emerged from researching multilingualism’ (Lin, 2020, p. 5). There seem to be two types of translanguaging pedagogies which are systematically planned or natural and spontaneous. They are also called ‘pedagogical translanguaging,’ so this concept is still new and can be unstable and fluid. Researchers say that Williams (1994) coined the term ‘trawsieithu’ (translanguaging) in Welsh in his bilingual education research in Wales, when observing some specific bilingual practices in Welsh schools. On the other hand, translanguaging refers to the discursive spontaneous practices that bilinguals often do in their communication (García, 2009). These two aspects regarding pedagogical translanguaging appear to be very distinct, but it seems to me that they are actually the same languages use such as English and Japanese. 

トランスランゲージングは、「バイリンガルの複雑で流動的な言語活動で、その活動を活性化する教育的アプローチ」(Garcia & Lin, 2016, p. 2)と言われたり、「多言語研究から生まれた教育実践の一つ」(Lin, 2020, p. 5)と言われたりします。二つのタイプのトランスランゲージング教育があるようです。計画的になされているか、あるいは、自然でその場に合わせるか、ということです。それは、「教育的トランスランゲージング」とも言われ、まだ新しく不安定で流動的です。Williams (1994)がウエールズの学校でバイリンガル教育実践を観察したときの研究で、この語(‘trawsieithu’ = translanguaging)を使ったと言われています。他方、トランスランゲージングはバイリンガルがしている多彩で自然な実践でもあります(García, 2009)。この二面性のあるトランスランゲージング教育は、一見まったく別のように見えますが、それらはどちらも同じ言語使用、英語と日本語をいっしょにして使う、というように、私には見えます。

In academic research, it is hard to clearly differentiate translanguaging from code switching or language mixing, which has been studied linguistically in bilingualism or applied linguistics. However, in CLIL contexts, translanguaging has often been used as pedagogical techniques to make good interactions between learners and teachers in the classroom, like bilinguals communicate naturally. In my own teaching experiences, I believe translanguaging would be very natural and spontaneous phenomena if learners could understand their languages each other. In CLIL classrooms in Japan, therefore, almost all English teachers except for teachers who don’t speak Japanese apply translanguaging activities to a greater or lesser degree, whether they are effective or not.  MEXT has encouraged English teachers to use English only or all English in English classrooms, based on the myth of the direct method or the audiolingualism in which the target language use should be the best teaching approach.  If teachers use English, their students will have an English shower and be able to better develop their English. 




CLIL was also considered as part of English-only approaches in Japan, which are also called English Medium Instruction (EMI). In such cases, CLIL and EMI are almost the same in learning activities these days. I don’t care about such distinctions because CLIL is diverse and flexible learning. EMI can be defined simply as the use of the English language to teach academic subjects in non-English speaking contexts, so it is not an ‘English-only’ approach and does permit the use of Japanese in Japanese contexts. However, CLIL is more flexible than EMI in terms of translanguaging.




There has been criticism that learners couldn’t develop appropriate language or cognitive systems through translanguaging or code-mixing.They say their mother tongue should be acquired or developed in the first place and the second or foreign language should come after. However, the fact is, there have been many bilingual or multilingual speakers all over the world. Some websites show that 43% of the people in the world are bilingual, though I couldn’t find the data source. When I visited South Africa, I thought it is true since most people speak several languages together. Nobody knows the evidence of language acquisition or development. Everything could be just a myth, but there are certainly some different phenomena. Children are entitled to choose their learning, so CLIL can provide such flexible and diverse learning contexts.




For me, translanguaging has made my assumption be drastically changed. I thought my identity is closely related to my native language, Japanese, and I couldn’t get away from the Japanese language for all my life. English was still a foreign language to me. However, I thought I should be more flexible for developing my language capacity. We can always learn languages and use languages based on necessary contexts in which we communicate some content, themes or topics. Languages such as Japanese and English should not be divided in our brain. All languages are just a human language and may be one system, even though there is no universal grammar. Translanguaging is a process of such language learning or use. It is natural for us human beings in a global society.



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