Learning process
The learning process of CTEP is simple: to learn CLIL through the online learning course and to take part in workshops and seminars. The basics of CLIL pedagogy in the CTEP is autnomy, which you need to learn through this course.
If you want to be a JAT, please join the ONLINE course provided by CLIL-ite. You will study through reading the textbook and watching the video resources. Based on these resources, you need to study through the ONLIN course. However, it is hard to study alone, so you will have a real-time online session through ZOOM and some discussion session with other participants.
You should participate in a workshop. You can interact with others and share ideas with them. We hope you will attend several times at least, because it is necessary to understand several contexts and different ideas of CLIL.
We have some seminars through online and in-person. It is of course not compulsory. However, if you understand what CLIL is and how you teach CLIL, semiars or coferences are important.
You will have to give a presentation and write a practical reserach paper, As for the theme or topic, however, you will need to focus on CLIL teaching in the classroom especially and understand the basics of CLIL methodology and pedagogy. Based on the basic understanding of CLIL, we hope you will develop your own CLIL teaching ideas and classroom activities, which should be closely related to your own CLIL teaching styles and strategies. IN other words, we hope you will develop your CLIL pedagogy for your students.

The meaning of qualification for J-CLIL accredited teacher (JAT)
The qualification for J-CLIL accredited teacher (JAT) comprises; 1) basic understanding of the principles and practicies of CLIL, 2) considering the contexts of each learner and learning atmosphere, 3) appropriately activating learning by interaging content and language, 4) motivating learners to learn a lot more autonomoously, and 4) making efforts to give learners satisfactory opportunities.