Curriculum & aims
Module 1
CLIL teaching methodology
You can understand how CLIL has been developed in the European context, which comprises CLT and the CEFR.(CLTやCEFRを背景にCLILはヨーロッパでどう発展したかを理解できる)
You can learn CLIL theory and methodology (definitions, the 4Cs framework, knowledge, etc.). (CLIL理論と指導法(定義、4Cs、知識など)がわかる)
You can learn CLIL teaching approaches and methods.(CLILの指導方法がわかる)
You can understand CLIL materials development.(CLIL教材開発が理解できる)
You can learn CLIL curriculum and assessment.(CLILカリキュラムと評価がわかる)
You can learn CLIL research.(CLILリサーチがわかる)
Module 2
CLIL lesson study
You can learn CLIL teaching.(CLILの教え方がわかる)
You can understand CLIL lesson study.(CLIL授業研究が理解できる)
You can learn CLIL language learning activities.(CLILの言語学習活動がわかる)
You can learn CLIL content learning activities.(CLILの内容学習活動がわかる)
You can learn CLIL lesson study protocols including research lesson, observation, and reflective teaching.(CLIL授業研究プロトコル(研究授業、観察、振り返りなど)がわかる)
Module 3
CLIL classroom management
You can learn CLIL class rules.(CLIL授業ルールがわかる)
You can understand CLIL class atmosphere.(CLIL授業環境が理解できる)
You can understand CLIL lesson procedures.(CLIL授業手順がわかる)
You can learn CLIL lesson aims, practices and assessment.(CLIL授業目標、実践、評価がわかる)
You can learn CLIL lesson interactions and scaffoldings.(CLIL授業のやりとりやスキャフォールディングがわかる)
You can understand CLIL classroom flexibility and diversity.(CLIL授業の柔軟性や多様性が分かる)
Module 4
CLIL activities
You can learn CLIL cognitive and communicative activities.(CLILの思考やコミュニケーション活動がわかる)
You can learn a variety of diverse CLIL activities to develop content knowledge and skills and intercultural awareness.(内容の知識や技能と文化間意識を培う多様なCLIL活動がわかる)
You can understand the importance of integrated activities in CLIL teaching.(CLIL
Module 5
CLIL classroom language use
You can learn CLIL language use in the classroom: language triptych, such as language of, for, and through learning.(授業でのCLIL言語使用(言語学習3点セット)がわかる)
You can learn bilingual use in CLIL classrooms.(CLIL授業での二言語使用がわかる)
You can understand how to consider languaging and translanguaging in CLIL classrooms. (CLIL授業でのランゲージングやトランスランゲージングの考え方がわかる)
Module 6
English language teaching (ELT) and CLIL pedagogy
You can learn the basics of ELT for CLIL teaching.(ELTとCLILの指導の基礎がわかる)
You can learn the difference between CLIL and ELT.(CLILとELTの違いがわかる)
You can understand how to develop CLIL curriculum and assessment in your classroom.(授業でのCLILカリキュラムと評価をどう発展させるかわかる)
You can develop effective CLIL classrooms in your teaching context.(教える状況に合わせて効果的なCLIL授業を改善できる)
You can learn how to do reflective CLIL teaching.(省察的なCLIL指導のしかたがわかる)